
New paper! in the American Naturalist

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

How to locate figures side by side (minipage)

% figure1
\caption{caption1} \label{fig:figure1}
% figure2
\caption{caption2} \label{fig:figure2}

*\textwidth  : the global width of the textarea
**\linewidth : the width with respect to the list (or the column width of the each minipages in this case)

Also, by using a package "subcaption"
you can have a subcaption for each panel, and a main caption.


% figure1
\subcaption{caption1} \label{fig:figure1} % figure index will be (a)
% figure2
\subcaption{caption2} \label{fig:figure2} % figure index will be (b)
\caption{main-caption} \label{main-label} % figure index will be a number