Linux command cheat sheet
- Counting the number of files in the current directory: ls -1 | wc -l
- Dividing a file by column with a specified separator (-d), and returning columns specified (-f): cut -f? -d 'separator' filename (*to choose more than one columns, -f1,2,... works.)
- Attaching two files side by side: paste file1 file2
- Check free/available storage space: $ df .
- Cancel all sbatch jobs in slurm system: $ squeue -u $USER | awk '{print $1}' | tail -n+2 | xargs scancel
- Cancel all sbatch jobs that are pending (this works for array jobs as well. It won't cancel array jobs that are running already, but will cancel only pending array jobs.): $ scancel --state=PENDING <job_id>