
New paper!

Friday, June 28, 2019

Topology measures

For simple graphs. Mathematical definitions are here.
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import community

def Assortativity(ug):
    # eij: fraction of edges in a network that connect a node with degree i to one of degree j.
    d = max(dict(
    e = np.zeros([d,d])
    n_edges = len(ug.edges())
    for i,j in ug.edges():
        d1 = # degree of node i
        d2 = # degree of node j
        e[d1-1,d2-1] += 1
        e[d2-1,d1-1] += 1
    e /= e.sum()
    a = e.sum(axis=0)
    b = e.sum(axis=1)
    ab =,b)
    r = (np.diag(e).sum() - ab) / (1. - ab)
    return r

def Modularity(ug):
 # required packages: community, python-louvain
 # commnity detection with louvain algorithm
 part = community.best_partition(subg)
 Q = community.modularity(part,subg)
 return Q

def NormalizedDegreeVariance(ug):
    # Keith Smith
    n = len(ug.nodes())
    m = len(ug.edges())
    d = 2.*m / (n*(n-1)) # density: the nubmer of edges divided by tot. possible number of edges
    v = np.var(list(dict( # variance in degrees
    return v*(n-1.) / (n*m*(1.-d))

def AverageClusteringCoefficient(ug):
 return nx.average_clustering(ug)

def Efficiency(ug):
    n = len(ug)
    denom = n * (n - 1.)
    if denom != 0:
        g_eff = 0
        for i in nx.all_pairs_shortest_path_length(ug):
            x = i[1].values()
            for j in x:
                if j != 0:
                    g_eff += 1./float(j)
        return g_eff / denom
        return 0.